Space is cool!


Space is cool! 〰️

Spatial Relations

Spatial Relations is a captivating series of mesmerizing digital illustrations that beautifully depict a solitary figure gracefully navigating through the immensity and wonder of the cosmos. This extraordinary collection magnificently captures the essence of the protagonist as she intimately interacts with various realms, encapsulating the magnificent harmonies between different spaces, dimensions, and the ever-fluctuating tapestry of emotions that accompanies her journey. Through intricate details and thoughtful compositions, each artwork showcases a specific moment in time, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in her captivating exploration and profound connection to the cosmic expanses. With masterful skill, the artist flawlessly unravels the visual symphony, leaving us in awe of our infinitesimal place within the vastness of the universe, yet inspiring a sense of interconnectedness that transcends the boundaries of space and time.