During our last year of schooling, we were tasked with creating a 30-40 page magazine that delved into information that deemed visually interesting to us. Myself, and three other designers, created SCIGN: A Science & Design magazine that would take a theoretical & practical approach to the design industry. Each of us created illustrated, designed & wrote our own articles, advertisements and campaigns that were carefully filtered into the magazine. Each of us had individual roles across the entire piece, but we all had our own pieces curated. Below are the designers that were apart of the team and my selected articles & ad campaign from the magazine. 

Portrait photography shot by: Vladimir Zaytsev

Bruce Forbes

Bruce Forbes

Lura Meisch

Lura Meisch

Blanca Martinez

Blanca Martinez

Laurel Rivera

Laurel Rivera

There were two three-page campaigns involved in the creation of this magazine. The Hamilton Woodtype Museum campaign graced the back of the publication with clever copywriting that paired with images from a visit I took in 2012.